First of all, it should be said that although this article has some tips for you to go in the right direction of becoming a professional baseball player, it is not a definitive list that will ensure that you become a professional baseball player.
The basics
You are going to need to have a lot of passion for the sport. You will not become a professional baseball player if you have no passion for the sport. You also need to have a lot of natural talent that you can work on to make it even better.
You also need to be prepared to make baseball your only profession and be aware of the risks involved in doing that. But don’t let that risk deter you, if you think you really have what it takes to become a professional baseball, then you should be willing to take these risks.
Some steps to becoming a professional baseball player
Just like anything you want to get better at or put your mind to, there are usually steps long the way that you can follow either strictly or loosely to get you on the right track to becoming a professional baseball player. Here are some we have come up with:
1. Before you start:
Get your background knowledge completely up to scratch. It’s one thing to love the sport, but to become a professional baseball player, you need to really understand and know the sport inside and out.
You can go about doing this by simply watching games, both live and reruns, reading books about baseball, and even looking up articles and interviews.
You really need to immerse yourself in the culture of baseball. You may also want to look into the health of your body and how playing baseball will affect that.

2. Get the proper equipment:
In order to be taken seriously as a professional baseball player candidate, you are going to need to have the best kit you can possible afford. This isn’t to say that you need the most expensive gear, but you should look into the differences between the brands that offer what you are looking for, as well as looking at the types of things that your body will need.
You can decide what gear you need to buy based on what position you are going to play. You will need a baseball glove if you are going for a catcher’s position, a good bat if you want to be a hitter and the correct safety gear if you want to be a catcher too.
You will also need to look into getting a good bag to store all of your kit in.
3. Get better at the game!:
This step is just to develop your skills in baseball. There is only one way to really do this, and that is to practice, practice, practice. You need to continue to play and practice regularly if you are serious about becoming a professional baseball player.
This is because the rigorous training regime will take you by surprise if you aren’t already prepared for it.
You can make sure you are training the right skills by deciding which position you would like to play as, then work on these skills until you have reached your best capability.
4. Beginning the journey up the ladder:
If you want to make it to Major League Baseball, you can start at any time. If you know that you want to become a professional baseball player while you are still in school, this is perfect; you can work on your career from a young age when you know exactly what you want to be.
No matter how old you are when you decide to aim for a career in professional baseball, you should make a conscious effort to keep a record of all of your achievements, no matter how small, in baseball. This will be beneficial when you aim for the next rung on the ladder.
5. Getting recruited:
This is where it gets serious. You can join college on a scholarship if you are deemed to be a good enough baseball player by talent scouts at the college. But if you can’t go to college just for baseball, you may want to try out another route to baseball. You can go to minor and major league try outs.
This may seem daunting, but almost every player has had to do it that did not take the college route. Your success will not simply depend on your skill and ability, it will also depend on your demeaner and the way that you are represented. So, pick people to represent you well and in a way that will make you stand out.
In short, there is no single route to becoming a professional baseball player, but this guide points you in the right directions. Although it may seem ‘lucky’ to be picked for a baseball scholarship to a college, these are well deserved and can be the best route to take if you want to strive for a career in professional baseball. If this is not an option, you can go to try outs that are held each season.
Keeping a record of all of your achievements in baseball will help you greatly on your journey to becoming a professional baseball player. So, follow these tips and steps and add your own flare in the process, and hopefully you will get noticed for playing well in the sport that you love.